Aerial Rain
Translating Web Novel

ATCF Ch 61 Part 4 – Once a Moneygrubber, Always a Moneygrubber (IV)

With all righteous indignation, Tong Youyou sighed exasperatedly, “Sister is your aunt, and aunt means an elder. How could she possibly become your girlfriend? Don’t be ridiculous.”

Tong Yi: “…”

If he keeps talking to this kid, he might end up having a heart attack!

Grabbing Tong Youyou by the collar, Tong Yi lifted the girl and dumped her outside his room. “I’m going to sleep now. Don’t bother me,” he said expressionlessly.

“Why sleep now? It’s daytime,” Tong Youyou was puzzled.

“Naptime, get it?” Tong Yi said, closing the door and locking it firmly.

After the door closed on her, Tong Youyou pondered for a moment, a frown on her cute face. Recalling that she also had to take a nap every day during the school term, she immediately went back to her room, climbed into bed, and closed her eyes.

After sending Tong Youyou away, Tong Yi set his alarm for an hour later, changed into pajamas, and got into bed, ready for a good nap.

In a drowsy haze, Tong Yi thought he heard someone urging him to catch the bouquet, and he reflexively grabbed it. Holding the bouquet and unsure what to do next, he saw Jiang Xiao Li in her bridesmaid dress beside him, so he offered it to her, “Here, for you to play with.”

“I don’t want it.” Jiang Xiao Li tossed the bouquet back to him.

Tong Yi looked puzzled, “Why don’t you want it?” As he asked, he tried handing the bouquet back.

“Guys who catch the bouquet usually give it to their girlfriends. Why would you give it to me?” Jiang Xiao Li looked even more puzzled than he did.

Tong Yi was stumped for a bit before he said, “I don’t have a girlfriend, I just wanted to give it to you, is that not okay?”

Jiang Li shook her head, “Of course not, I don’t want it.”

After saying that, Jiang Li ran off on her own, leaving Tong Yi frozen for a few seconds before he chased after her, still with a bouquet in hand.

Jiang Xiao Li was clearly ahead of him, but no matter how long he chased, he couldn’t catch up to her. The road seemed endless, with Jiang Xiao Li running along it and him trailing behind.

Tong Yi couldn’t remember how long he had been running when he suddenly stopped and found Jiang Xiao Li sitting alone on a swing, seemingly ready to swing. Tong Yi, still holding the bouquet during the chase, went over and started to push the swing gently. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiao Li turned to him and complained, “Big nephew, you’ve been drinking, your breath stinks.”

Tong Yi deliberately moved closer, “Does it really stink? Take a good sniff!”

Jiang Xiao Li immediately pushed him away, “Are you playing hooligan with me?”

Tong Yi offered the bouquet again, “Of course not. I just want to give you the bouquet.”

“I already told you I don’t want it.” Jiang Xiao Li replied stubbornly.

Tong Yi was stunned for a few seconds, then said again: “If you don’t want it, then I will have to go to the temple and become a monk. Would you be okay with that?”

Seeing Jiang Xiao Li’s hesitant expression, he moved even closer, “Auntie, would you really be okay with it?”

“Then… I’ll accept it,” Reaching out, Jiang Xiao Li accepted the bouquet and began playing with it.

Tong Yi moved closer again, “Since you accepted my bouquet, you’re now my girlfriend.”

“Why?” Jiang Xiao Li was shocked.

Tong Yi’s voice was soft and enticing, “You said it yourself, guys who catch the bouquet give it to their girlfriends.”

Jiang Li froze, “But I’m your aunt.”

Tong Yi leaned closer, “I’ll call you auntie, you call me boyfriend. We’ll each keep our titles, no conflict.”

After saying that, Tong Yi cradled Jiang Li’s face, “Jiang Xiao Li, did you put on lipstick? It looks beautiful.”

Jiang Li’s voice trembled, “What… what do you want?”

“I want to taste your lipstick.” Tong Yi put his arm around the back of Jiang Li’s neck and quickly pulled her head over.

But at that moment, a familiar and jarring sound suddenly resounded, and the vision of Jiang Xiao Li in front of him vanished.

Tong Yi jolted awake in bed, staring at the familiar surroundings of his bedroom. The vibrating, incessantly ringing sound was his phone alarm. Completely dumbfounded, it took him a long while to come back to reality.

After some time, when the phone finally quieted down on its own, Tong Yi climbed out of bed, barefoot, and went to pull open the curtains.

The afternoon sunlight poured in, causing him to instinctively shield his eyes. He slowly got used to the light before finding a chair to sit down and continue zoning out.

After who knows how long, Tong Yi suddenly murmured to himself, “You’re really something, huh?”

With that, he rushed to the study next door at top speed, pulled out a notebook, grabbed a pen from the holder, and started writing:

Jiang Xiao Li is a minor

Jiang Xiao Li is a minor

Jiang Xiao Li is a minor

After writing the same sentence hundreds of times, Tong Yi sighed and threw the pen and notebook aside.

It seems… to have no effect.

The scenes in the dream weren’t particularly coherent, and the dialogue also didn’t seem like something he would say. Yet, for some reason, he clearly remembered the moment Jiang Xiao Li’s eyelashes fluttered gently as she accepted the bouquet he gave her.

Since entering adolescence, he had often overheard his roommates talking about girls and even heard them talk about their wet dreams, but he had never had such a dream himself.

If the alarm clock hadn’t rung in time, he would have kissed Jiang Xiao Li in the dream.

If Jiang Xiao Li knew that she had such a dream, she would probably beat him to death, right?

In the next few days, Tong Yi was out of sorts, but that brat Tong Youyou always came to him and asked, “Second brother, are you still having jet lag?”

Tong Yi: “…”

Suddenly, he envied this girl. The world of a child was very simple, with no worries at all.

As time slowly passed, the few days of absence Tong Yi had requested quickly ran out. Before heading abroad, he decided to meet Jiang Xiao Li one more time.

Jiang Li received a call from Tong Yi, who informed he was returning abroad soon and asked if she wanted to see him off at the airport. Jiang Li took a moment to consider. Her uncle had a meeting that day, which meant she couldn’t go to the research institute, anyway. Since she had no other plans, she readily agreed.

However, on the way to the airport with Tong Yi, she couldn’t help but notice that he was somewhat distracted, not as carefree as usual. Jiang Li, having no experience in seeing someone off to another country, wondered if this guy was experiencing some kind of homesickness.

Just before boarding, Tong Yi pulled out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to her, “This is for you. I’ll regularly transfer money into this account. The PIN is your birthday.”

Jiang Li was startled, “Why are you giving me money?”

“Well, you did invest twenty thousand yuan in me. I’ve made quite a bit of money now, and I promised you dividends, so I have to keep my word,” Tong Yi said casually.

Jiang Li paused, “Is this why you’ve been acting so off?”

“What do you mean by ‘off’?” Tong Yi was puzzled.

“You’ve been all out of sorts today. Were you hesitating about whether or not to give me my dividends?” Jiang Li stared at Tong Yi, as if trying to read the truth in his eyes. Seeing Tong Yi remain silent, she had a look of realization, “I knew it. You’ve been distracted all day, like you were someone else.” She patted Tong Yi’s shoulder, “Though you tried to cheat me out of my dividends, since you pulled over in time, I, as your aunt, won’t hold it against you. Just go abroad and earn money for your aunt in peace!”

Tong Yi: “…”

As expected of Jiang Xiao Li: once a money grubber, always a money grubber. And yet, her unchanged nature unexpectedly lifted his spirit. He reached out and rubbed her hair bun, his voice soft, “Jiang Xiao Li, remember: no dating in school. Wait for me to be back.”

Jiang Li swatted his hand away, “Don’t think you can divert the topic and I’ll forget about the dividends.”

Tong Yi nodded, “Yeah, I’ll give you dividends for a lifetime.”

Jiang Li: “…”

When her big nephew suddenly became so obedient, she almost felt bad about pressing him for money.

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