Aerial Rain
Translating Web Novel

ATCF Ch 62 Part 1 – Birthday Present (I)

Tong Yi had been abroad multiple times before, but unlike his previous swift departures, he felt an unusual reluctance this time.

He suddenly remembered, back during the summer break before starting high school, Third Master Feng had asked if there was anyone in China he’d miss. Back then, his response was pretty nonchalant. He was going abroad to study, not departing to a war zone. In this era of instant communication, staying connected was hardly an issue.

Yet, he felt hesitant about leaving this time, unlike in the past.

Ever since that dream, Tong Yi realized his feelings for Jiang Xiao Li went beyond the simple brotherly affection he had initially believed. When did these special feelings for Jiang Xiao Li start? He was certain it wasn’t just from the dream, nor was it the moment he saw her in her bridesmaid dress.

He looked back at their chat history and noticed how he always had endless things to say to her, often sharing even the trivial details of his life eagerly. Due to time differences, Jiang Xiao Li wouldn’t always reply immediately and sometimes even forgot to, but he still enjoyed their interactions.

It turned out he had fallen for Jiang Xiao Li without even realizing it. The dream had just made him acknowledge his feelings and showed him that their relationship was more than what he had always assumed to be sibling-like.

At first, Tong Yi had thought about running away from these feelings, especially since Jiang Li was still underage. It felt utterly wrong for him to harbor such thoughts. Yet, some things are inescapable; once the idea takes root, it’s destined to never go away.

Tong Yi never knew a person could dream so much in just a few days. With each dream, he became more and more daring, and Jiang Li not only tolerated his boldness but responded warmly and enthusiastically, even calling him ‘Brother Tong Yi’ tenderly.

Whenever he was awake, he was still the Tong Yi who knew how to restrain himself, but in the dream…

Shaking his head, Tong Yi tried not to dwell on those dream images. He looked at Jiang Li, his voice heavy, “Jiang Xiao Li, once I leave this time, I won’t be back until the college entrance exams.”

Jiang Li nodded, “I know, you’ve mentioned it before.”

Tong Yi said again, “We’ll be apart for two years.”

Jiang Li raised an eyebrow, “It’s already October; it won’t be two full years. Plus, you’re participating in the chemistry olympiad, right? We’ll see each other again then.”

Feeling down, Tong Yi confessed, “But I’m not that good at chemistry.”

Jiang Li mistakenly thought Tong Yi was worried about not making it to the finals, so she offered, “You can ask me if you have problems. Just call me ‘Teacher Jiang’, and I’ll help you with anything.” Well, her big nephew had helped her a lot when she was preparing for the math olympiad; helping him in return was the least she could do.

Hearing her say that, Tong Yi’s mood instantly lifted. “So, can I borrow some of our Prodigy God Jiang’s luck?” He grinned like an idiot.

Jiang Li recalled when Feng Qi rubbed her head before and said that he had shared his genius halo with her. She thus reached out to ruffle her big nephew’s hair, but Tong Yi pulled her into a big bear hug instead.

Jiang Li: “…”

Can luck really be shared like this?

Before Jiang Li could react, Tong Yi quickly let go, “Jiang Xiao Li, study hard. I’ll see you at the finals.”

Jiang Li smacked him on the head, “Who just said he isn’t good at chemistry?”

After seeing Tong Yi off, Jiang Li returned home, packed her things, and headed straight back to school to dive back into her studies. She continued to balance her time between competitions and regular classes, occasionally getting ahead of some medical-related reading to refresh her mind.

In the second year of high school, Wang Simin successfully made it into the provincial team and, along with Qin Zheng, advanced to the national training team. When the list was announced, Wang Simin was overjoyed and insisted on treating her roommates to a hotpot as a celebration.

Jiang Li, having registered for the chemistry competition, also made it into the national training team. To reciprocate the goodwill, she also treated everyone to a meal, marking the occasion with a celebration.

Her roommates, on the other hand, thought that Jiang Li joining the national team was expected and didn’t require a celebration. However, the hotpot was still welcomed as it was a gesture of Jiang Li’s care, which they couldn’t disregard.

After the hotpot feast, Wang Simin and Jiang Li continued to juggle their competition and regular studies. The other girls in the dorm also studied hard, aiming to climb up a rank or two in the exams.

Preparing for the math competition had consumed a lot of Jiang Li’s effort. However, her approach to the chemistry competition was surprisingly more serene.

Tong Yi had mentioned wanting to meet her at the finals, and indeed, they did. Although both won gold medals, Jiang Li scored the highest, while Tong Yi barely made the cutoff.

After the closing ceremony, Tong Yi took Jiang Li for a stroll. When they passed by the riverbank, they stumbled upon a couple kissing. Tong Yi instantly pulled Jiang Li close and covered her eyes with his broad palms, “Don’t look; it’s not suitable for kids.”

As Tong Yi dragged her away from the embankment, Jiang Li commented with an exasperated tone, “You’re making a big deal out of nothing. Haven’t you seen such a trivial scene before?”

Tong Yi’s heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously murmured, “Trivial?” Has Jiang Xiao Li seen any scenes that were not trivial?

Despite appearing calm, Tong Yi was starting to feel antsy inside. At their age, dating seemed normal, like the international student living above him, younger yet already living with his girlfriend for two years.

Could Jiang Xiao Li have started dating early too?

But logically speaking, that seemed unlikely! Jiang Xiao Li was a study fanatic. She spent most of her time studying, leaving no room for dating or even falling in love.

“Jiang Xiao Li, you said it was trivial, but have you seen other scenes?” Tong Yi brought himself to ask.

Seeing nervousness in his eyes, Jiang Li was momentarily puzzled, but she still nodded in response, “Of course, I’ve seen plenty.”

Tong Yi grabbed her shoulders, his voice growing serious, “Are you in a relationship?”

Jiang Li, taken aback, rolled her eyes and stomped on Tong Yi’s foot, “You think I am dating? While in school? Nonsense!”

Seeing the new footprint on Tong Yi’s clean sneakers, Jiang Li felt a bit guilty. This big nephew was usually very agile, why didn’t he dodge just now?

Tong Yi breathed a sigh of relief, his tone returning to normal, “You’ve never been in a relationship, so how can you say it’s a trivial scene? I thought you’ve had plenty of experience.”

“These things don’t necessarily have to be experienced firsthand,” Jiang Li looked at Tong Yi with puzzled eyes.

Tong Yi froze for a few seconds, feeling his cheeks heat up uncontrollably. After a while, he finally asked, “What kind of dreams did you see?”

Jiang Li looked at Tong Yi in shock, “What the heck are you talking about? How could I possibly dream about such things!” After saying that, Jiang Li stomped on Tong Yi’s foot again, this time without any hesitation or guilt.

Honestly, his stupid words deserved a good beating!!!

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