Aerial Rain
Translating Web Novel

ATCF Ch 66 Part 1 – Two Misers (I)

In any case, this was Jiang Li’s first time visiting the police station. Knowing she lacked ‘experience,’ Tong Yi anticipated she would be somewhat nervous, but he soon realized that he had underestimated her. Jiang Xiao Li was completely calm, and it seemed that even the two officers who shared the car with her were not behaving normally; they were surprisingly cordial, as if they had already decided that the two men were lying.

The man in the yellow shirt and the man in the red shirt also noticed this. They finally began to complain loudly about arm pain, demanding the police take them to the hospital immediately. However, the two officers in the car completely ignored them.

Tong Yi’s ears were hurting from all the whining, so he shot a cold glare in their direction. The two thugs instantly fell silent, but they looked especially aggrieved as if someone had sealed their mouths shut with a piece of stinky socks.

But in less than a minute, they started wailing again-they realized there were police in the car and assumed this scary guy wouldn’t dare to do anything to them, hence their fearlessness.

The two officers didn’t stop the thugs’ wailings, but they also didn’t spare them a glance, turning deaf ears to the cries and wails.

Upon arriving at the police station, the female officer called over a senior officer on duty, who proceeded to briefly examine the injuries of the two thugs. Then, he glanced inquisitively at Tong Yi, but soon looked away as if nothing had happened.

A total of six people were brought back to the station this time—besides the two ‘regulars,’ there were two pairs of young men and women, all seemingly in their late teens, just barely adults. One of the young men looked timid, not at all like someone who could effortlessly dislocate a thug’s arm. As for the two girls, one came across as quiet and gentle, while the other appeared lovely and well-behaved, neither of them showing a tendency for violent behavior.

Although the young man in the white down jacket was a bit violent, his actions were somewhat justified and even refreshing because the senior officer quickly identified the two thugs as frequent visitors. Both in their thirties and unemployed, these guys lived off the rental income from a few properties their family owned, with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately, they chose to use that time to stir up trouble, often being brought into the station for causing disturbances or harassing women. However, due to the minor nature of their offenses, they were usually detained for just a week or two before being released.

Every time, they targeted girls who looked easy to bully and chose locations with little surveillance. The girls either endured silently or, if they reported it, couldn’t provide evidence. Even though the police knew these two were repeat offenders, all they could do was give them a verbal warning.

Adding to the frustration, each time they were taken to the station, their attitudes were surprisingly positive, and they even showed remorse. But merely a few days after being released, they would repeat the same offense—clearly, all talks with no desire to change, truly incorrigible. After too many similar instances, all the police in the area were well acquainted with this duo, who had gained a reputation as local troublemakers and caused endless headaches for law enforcement.

So, when the police arrived at the scene today, they were more than delighted to see these two finally get their due comeuppance. Feeling refreshed, they deliberately ignored the two, even as they cried and howled like butchered pigs. At first glance, the officers could tell that the thugs only had dislocated joints at most, and their senior back in the station happened to be skilled in setting bones.

Although the senior officer could set bones, he glanced at the twisted expressions of the two thugs and said indifferently, “Not a big deal; just dislocations, and they’ll be fine after setting the joints back. Let’s take their statements first!”

The two thugs didn’t know this officer could set bones. The man in the red shirt looked at Tong Yi with resentment, “He can set bones, just now he dislocated my right hand, quickly set it back, then dislocated my left hand.”

The officer looked at Tong Yi, “Is this true?”

Tong Yi nodded, “It is true, I can set bones, and I can set their hands for them.”

Taken aback by his sudden willingness to cooperate, the two thugs instantly grew anxious and vehemently shook their heads, “We don’t want him to set them! Just take us to the hospital!”

Jiang Li set her eyes on them and suddenly smiled, “Actually, I can set bones too. Do you want me to do it?”

When Jiang Li spoke to the two thugs earlier, her voice and expression were cold, but now she smiled and spoke gently, causing them to hesitate. “You… you can really set it for me?” The man in the yellow shirt swallowed hard.

Jiang Li nodded, “Of course. I’ve reflected carefully and realized my previous actions were too impulsive. Please allow me to make amends, and…. after I set your bones for you, you won’t ask me for medical expenses, okay?”

Hearing Jiang Li speak in such a gentle tone, the corner of Tong Yi’s lips twitched in reflex. Other people might be fooled, but he knew Jiang Xiao Li well! Since these two thugs had provoked her, they could only blame themselves for their misfortune.

However, the man in the yellow shirt had a completely different perception, especially when facing Jiang Li’s beautiful face. He was elated, thinking this girl had suddenly become so accommodating because she was afraid of the police, so she voluntarily offered to set their bones—as long as the joints were reset and they didn’t need to go to the hospital, there was naturally no need to compensate for medical expenses.

How could he say no when a pretty girl spoke so nicely to him? After hesitating for a few seconds, the man in the yellow shirt said, “Today’s incident was all because of your boyfriend’s mistake. As long as you set our arms, we won’t pursue the matter of you injuring us.”

“May I set his bones?” Jiang Li turned her gaze to the three officers. They looked at each other, unsure of what she was up to. Finally, the senior officer nodded and said, “If you can set it, go ahead. But don’t force yourself if you can’t.”

For the next three minutes, everyone watched as Jiang Li failed to set the bones several times, and the thug emitted sounds akin to a slaughtered pig. But faced with Jiang Li’s innocent face, he couldn’t utter a single word of reproach.

Tong Yi watched the scene with a smirk on his face. He had already figured it out. Jiang Xiao Li wasn’t setting the bones; she was clearly tormenting people! Yet, she still wore a harmless expression, muttering softly to herself, “This is how my senior brother taught me, it should be right!”

The man in the yellow shirt begged many times to stop, saying he didn’t want her to do it anymore, but Jiang Li acted as if she didn’t hear.

Finally, the senior officer cleared his throat and gently advised, “Girl, if you can’t do it, don’t force yourself.”

Jiang Li also knew not to overdo it. When the man was about to faint from the pain, she finally showed a relieved expression. “It’s set now. Can you try moving it?”

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